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Services for Ages 65+


Available to all patients following heart attack or coronary intervention e.g. stenting


We run a HEARTWATCH programme which was launched in 2004 by the Department of health aimed at the secondary prevention of heart disease. Secondary prevention is applying preventative measures to people who have already had a cardiac problem. The programme is aimed at those people who have already had a heart attack, or a cardiac intervention such as angioplasty, stent or coronary bypass. Unfortunately we cannot include people in the Heartwatch program who are not in this category. There are several other oprions for those people.

If you believe you qualify for this programme you can approach us to take part. We feel it provides you with the very best in preventative care.


Influenza & Pneumonia:

All patients over the age of 65 and patients with Diabetes, Cardiac, Renal, Lung or other chronic disease are recommended to have the yearly Influenza vaccination and a once off Pneumococcal vaccine. Please contact the surgery to book an appointment.

Health Promotion & Health Screening

Disease Prevention provides much better value for both the patient and the community. We especially promote regular excercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. This may be combined with weight management or smoking cessation.


A comprehensive 'top to toe' health check and screening, this includes fasting bloods, physical examination and, if appropriate, ECG.

Minor Surgery:

Park Medical Practice provides surgical care and advice on all forms of minor surgical procedures. Examples include: moles,lumps, growths, joint injections, ingrown toe-nails and certain types of skin lesions.


This technology uses liquid nitrogen to treat common skin problems such as warts, verruca and appropriate skin lesions.

Smoking Cessation:

We provide specific smoking cessation counselling with the addition, where appropriate, of nicotine replacement therapy or anti-addiction medication, in patients who have made the first step of deciding to stop smoking.

Driving Licence including eyesight testing:

Review and assessment of medical fitness to drive, including full visual and physical examinations, are available

Cholesterol Screening:

Blood tests and ECGs may be done if appropriate (if you would like a cholesterol test you should be fasting for 14 hours so  please book an early morning appointment).

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