Park Medical Practice is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective medical care.The surgery is open Monday to Friday during the hours of 9.00 am - 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm. Practice appointments are every 15 minutes. If you require a special procedure, have more than one family member to be seen or have multiple problems please make this clear when booking your appointment so that an appropriate slot can be allocated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Family Doctor in Killarney
Doctor in Killarney
House Calls:
It is often not possible to replicate the many modern investigative and treatement facilities available in the surgery on a home visit. Given the time and workload involved and consequent impact on other patients we would ask you to request a home visit only when it is absolutely necessary. Requests for house calls can only be assessed on medical need.
Investigations & Results:
Laboratory tests, including bloods and swabs, are done by appointment with our practice nurse and we have a courier service to transport these samples to the laboratory.
You will be advised during a consultation when the result of a particular test or x-ray would be expected back and you should make an appointment with the doctor to review the results unless specifically requested to make phone contact instead. It is the patient's responsibility to follow-up with us with regard to results. We undertake hundreds of such tests each month and it would be impossible for us to contact each patient individually.
Repeat Prescriptions:
We are no longer accepting verbal/phone requests for repeat prescriptions. We request you complete the drug card which will be attached to your previous prescription or available at reception. All repeat prescriptions will take 72 hours (3 working days) to process; this is in line with our professional medical guidance and good practice. Please check your medications regularly to ensure you allow adequate time for requesting repeat medication.
Medical Certificates:
Requests can be made via reception for Social Welfare and Private medical certificates. We are only able to issue certificates based on information that is held on your records. All patients will need to be seen by of the doctors if a certificate is to be completed. We require 24 hours notice in order to process all certificate requests.
In the event that you are not satisfied with any aspect of your care at the Park Medical Practice we would value and appreciate the opportunity to address the issue for your benefit and for the benefit of other patients. Whether in verbal or written form we aim to acknowledge your complaint within 7 days and give a full response within 28 days of receipt.
Out of Hours:
SouthDoc is the out of hours GP co-op covering counties Kerry and Cork and based here in Killarney. This was set up by local GPs and provides out of hours cover to their patients who have urgent medical problems.
As our practice endeavours to provide a same day service to all patients, please only use this service for an urgent problem that arises in the out of hours period that cannot wait until the next GP surgery.
SouthDoc provides advice to patients of member GPs as well as face to face consultations with a GP when necessary.
SouthDoc operates betweem 6pm to 8am Mon - Fri and Weekends from Friday 6pm to Monday 8am.
Contact SouthDoc directly at 1850-335-999
Fees and Charges:
Park Medical Practice requests that medical fees are paid in full following a consultation as billing a patient involves extra costs to the patient. A receipt will be issued upon receipt of payment.
Park Medical Practice is also a GMS (medical card) practice and we are more than happy to see patients with a medical card - if required, application forms are available at reception. The medical card covers all routine consultations , however certain special services are not covered.
Direct billing to insurance companies can be arranged. Please contact your individual private health insurer for information on interventions/procedures covered.